Thursday, July 31, 2008

White Spaces, Reptilians, and Blow Jobs

The cover of this week's Drawing Party Adventure:
It's kinda got an Om-y thing going on. And what poirfect poriple parallel lines!

The tails of Puerto Rico.

Some more artifacts from what will always be, at least in our hearts, the 51st State. Those are fro'd chickens hawking a swaddled baby.

Swaddled Ancient Tainos trip out on peyote before carving petroglyphs:

It's true.

Read this one from top to bottom aloud and loud.
Build in intensity with each new "Total"; there are seven of them, so time this crescendo just right. Then when you get to the "Recall", raise the pitch of your voice, and sustain the second syllable like a football shaped mushroom cloud hanging over Texas.

White Space ain't no waste.
Know what is a waste? Printing books.
Paper is for drawing.

Don't you eco-femmes worry your pretty little consciences 'bout nothin! Every 1,000 years, or 100 billion drawings, whichever comes first, the Drawing Party recycles all of its drawings, and launches its dead sharpies into ou-ter-space...

Ah yes! It's that 8-bit bedroom where I can finally fuck Sodapopinsky, and the Two Abobos.

The Eiffel Tower. Cui bono?

Zirschwing Zuck. Kinda?

Coffee Thought Ball. Soymilk on the spoon. And god-damn dominos.

Q-beau Jackson walks away from the Necker Cube Prison that consumed his cousin Bert.

Yeah yeah yeah. This ones all gestural hype. Shoot that fuckin' Rocket Home. I don't care if Sword Arm Pear Man is sleeping inside.

A Swaddled Flushing Train.

And now for the BJ's!!!

:: Commenting: It's a moral imperative mothmanfuckers!


Unknown said...

Chris i am incredibly envious of your super straight parallel lines. So even. . .

Jesse the tails of Puerto Rico was a classic that will go down in drawing party history.

the frog eating the hamburger is simply genius

Brandon the weight lifting naner is brilliant eat your heart our andy warhol

maria, the picture with all of the lines is amazing

im also a big fan of drawing # pie

the chain smoking ivy league dog tickles my fancy, i believe that one is also maria.

well done everyone, now what am i to do with myself with a whole week until next wed?

much love

cheryl said...

i think i should start drawing and sending drawings in? can i do that? kate and i haven't found any drawing parties on the west coast...

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Bison was Puerto Rican.

los doggies said...

Sure thing Cheryl Cheryl Beau Bheryl. Roll your drawings up into little scrolls, and ship them to me upon the wings of homing boirds.
Mike Bison is Puerto Tibetan, I believe.

Unknown said...

I miss you guys. I think I'm going to use some of my valuable work time to scan valuable drawings of great value and low low prices. Hearts of steel gents. Keep those chins up.

McW said...

Thx Manda, thought a fellow estigmatism sufferer would appreciate that one.

Pretty sure it works...The choices are an illusion and you end up where you started, not unlike attending college at NPZ.

I agree the tails of Puerto Rico is an instant classic (destined for the endpaper of the thick glossy overpriced NPDP coffeetable book.)


Unknown said...

hey chris,

"The choices are an illusion and you end up where you started, not unlike attending college at NPZ"

thats fucking brilliant
here's a joke you might appreciate

how do you get a new paltz graduate off of your porch?

pay for the pizza!!!

much love