Friday, September 26, 2008

Dr. Draw

Da Bouncer is the man; this man. He just surrendooped our DP the other night, and now he is going to hire us to teach kids without hands how to draw. How did he get the coveted uniform resource locater He was the first man on da web. That's how we can trust him. Now we can all quit our soul-suckling jobs and do something that matters, like teach handless children yo.

It's good to age these suckers.

Perspective and foreshortening - but 2 of the techniques we teach you at Wednesday's Night Class; what we've been calling "The Drawing Party".

It began as a battle axe. It was to be a weaponry drawing, until the DTMTBD references started taking over. A drawing that tells you "fuck you" is worth a thousand fuck you's.

Root Suit: comes with 9/11 action figures.

This vortical hand holds dominion over five realms containing two ponies, a rainy beach day, a green boird thing, a spider and a bee, and some doodles.

This blue-lipped bear bastard in green booties gives the middle paw while spewing out a human-shaped word bubble speaking in skulltongue.

A little bit of cat.

See this is what's great about drawing! I'll never get to hang ten from a roped ladder suspended from a God's nose as she blows sweet cloudbreath at the giraffine angels, but with this drawing I don't even need to.


Tenners. Like two hands in one.

Bubble-butt expressionism.

Wallstreet 64, now for the PROMIS system.

A very metally diamondy Zorschtex.

Silver leopard naps under a Truffula Tree.

Hosted by: T.

You're about 1/2 way through the drawings, so rest your eyeballs for a sec! Take your fingers and push them through your eyelids and into your eyeballs. This is called 'makin' phosphenes'! The little balls of light will erase your mind of all the JPEG's you've seen today, so you can get a fresh look at shit!

Little animal friends can save you from the golden vortex.

Looks like a moblin.

Dan Cortez is profile.

Gove, a portmanteau word of "love" and "gone".

A floral derf pattern.

He's dead in deady land.

Jesse gets back in touch with his childlike self, drawing cockroaches on plates.

We also bring cloven models to the Life Drawing Parties.

Cool contour whosoever y'are.

Street Funnies II

No he don't; (suck).

Brett. You're a racist. But it's okay because you're Native American.

Comments are commendable.


Anonymous said...

hillarious all arounds. i love that we can still do shit when we're sick. how about when we're poor, starving, cold, and fuckedforever?! NPDP is my post peak community of choice especially with dabouncer on our team. who else is wit us?

april rose said...

Ludwig told me he let you know that he are i were way to 'exhausted' to make it this week, but i am still waiting for last weeks drawings to be posted PLEASE! this week seems funky and favorite is definetly "donde esta osamsa? "...hope to see ya'll soon

Unknown said...

I was sick as well at this past week's DP. My apologies to the two girls that I stepped on and possible elbowed a few times on my frequent trips to the bathroom to blow my nose.

My selections this week are:

Whoa, I loved don't tell mom the baby sitters dead. early 90s( or was it the late 80s?)instruction video that inspired all of us DIYers

The vortical hand, 5 realms drawins is quite amazing. The colors are amazing, I want to walk into this drawing,

the sleeping leopard, is very nice,

the economical graph is brilliant, a simple demonstration of what us on the bottom have been feeling for years, and what those on the top are only know admitting.

the street fighter series is quite brilliant. I'm more of an attari person myself though, how about next week we do a series on pit fall and demon attack?

see y'all next week.

much love

Unknown said...

Hey Evan,

I almost forgot. Despite the fact that I even included directional arrows, you posted my drawing sideways. but I love ya anyway.

Much love

los doggies said...

yeah. i thought those were righty arrows. any webmaster would make that arrow error. next time, to avoid any confusion, you need two vectors, an upper and a righty.

Unknown said...

Damnit! You always outsmart me stormo!