Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Octo Octo

Hey everyone! Meet Swordy, the anthropomorphic broadsword.

Swordy will be co-hosting this batch of drawings.
So let's start the critique!

Music people are not happy. Sure, Amp head is chillin', but look: Guitar girl is turning tricks, K cymbal boy drinks until he crashes, and Mr.Speaker Cabinet has no purpose and just derfs around all day.

Glubby aye?

Hey you; you. Go kiss a fish.
Swordy Says: This up-butt shot would make a great default for this deer's myspace, if only cloven hands could type upon QWERTY keys..

Up close, everything looks like a fucked-up flowering mandala made of metal. Ya like mate mandalas Swordy?
Swordy Says: Like all swords, I drink only blood.

Moon-ringed mandalorama with pentagrams and stars of David.

Still-life schmill-life. Flowers are always cool.

The Icarian butterfly who flew too close to the sun. Instead of melting her gossamer wings, they became pizza-tipped and brilliant.
Swordy Says: Look out for the mammoth watermelon!

Fun bacterial shapes of the pro-bo persuasion.

Dammit Danny Ring. T-bell sucks. I almost didn't post this one, but it is a cozy little drawing, and for Jupiter's sake, it's got stemmed noteheads comin' out.
Swordy Says: I will stab corporate America through the heart.

Attention Danny Ring: It's "flaming wreck".

To sing in notes, not words.
Swordy Says: Nice tail.

Bipedal bi-curious sex kitten lookin' for 20 somethings. Thumbs okay. Your pic gets mine.
Swordy: My pic's up top.

The Shardosphere. Just one of a bazillion failed dimensions.

Happy snow picnic right? Wrong. There is an Easterly Fiddlehead blowin' in, and our idyllic snowy hill lacks the proper perspective for holding any kind of picnic.

Butt-fucking at the 9/11 Hindenburg Concerto.
Swordy: Ah yes, I remember where I was when JFK got shot; butt-fucking a katana blade.


A heroic drawing party endeavor. Make your next drawing a bunch of sequential drawings (i.e. a comic book).

New potions. Ask Swordy about 'em.
Swordy: Do not.

Rocket boy, you're getting overthruster tracks on the rocket carpet!

It's called self-consciousness.
Swordy: And it's a fuckin' illusion.

It's true.
Swordy: Yo, I'll be there. The one day a year where it's okay to be me.

Sure, I've got an ugly red mullet and my fist is swollen, but my oral fireball capability more than makes up for these flaws.

Branch hands make great perches.
Swordy: So do I.

Peace Corps.

Sega Genesis with equine controller plug-in, for horse games and fighting games.

You've just reached the halfway mark for this batch of drawings! Go take a shit if ya gotta, or just continue right on with the second half.
Swordy: I'm gonna shit my hilt.


That's a me.

Swordy: I think I'm in love.

Happy things of the world, coalesce.


It's the Fl---, well fuck my tongue, it's the greyhound bus!

I am so there.
Swordy: [Snikt!]

Hey catfuck. Everyone wave to the catfuck.

Equine portals. Enter them.

Swordy: I've got so much blood on my back I've forgotten how to cry, but now this little kitten comes a long in a drawing and...

Ok. So this guy is an Arab. He wears a fez, and plays with camel toys.

Blue bark in full effect.

Fros unfolding forever. This is my teaching.

Coffee Enema Ops.

Creationist coffee: every sip is a butterfly that will never be.

Where he sleeps, and curses out the menagerie.

She copied me.

A breakthrough: One drawer learns how to draw like how he did when he was a child. Can you?

A nautilus mommy takes a nest of boirds under her tentacle.

Are you tired of peeing in a basin in your room because there's a coffee enema man in the bathroom? Get the new Drawing Party toilet. First: Pee into a drawing. Then: Stop. No need to flush. Just hang that shit on the wall.

There's a lot of sexy cats in this series, but this little fucky takes the nip.

Hey Swordy.
Swordy: 'Sup.

Checklists are good.

Drawing Party: the Class.

Nukey on the horizon. Hey bicycle. Lookin' good. Whatcha got for me Swordy?
Swordy: Nothin'. I'm gonna rent Blade II tonight.

Never open, always busy, for 120 years!

A brotrait of the brodies.

Homophone fun.
Swordy: I call 'em "sound-a-likes".

Thank god for the "and" and not an "or".

Ooohhhwhahahhooahwhaho cat.

Bless my heart. More noteheads. This is the noteyiest batch of drawings yet.

Batman & Robin.
Swordy: For Hedger.

That's all! Say b'bye Swordy.
Swordy: Fuck ya later.

Please. Please. Please.
I ask but one thing.


Anonymous said...

Stovey says: ditch the zero (swordy) and get wit da hero (that's me).

Anonymous said...

I like Nikki's horses!!! :)

Anonymous said...

who is swordy?!

los doggies said...

Ah Doy!
Swordy is the anthropomorphic sword from the first drawing.

Unknown said...

I like swordy, especially because he wants to cut corporate america

I like the human band, the cymbol platers reminds me of all drummers, drunk and unreliable. ( just kidding evan)

You posted my moon cycle drawing upside down, and those are not stars of david, stars of david have 6 points and i made the pentgrams by accident. oops.

The still life is quite lovely, i really like the blues and greens with the goldenrod highlights.

the hitch hiking sex kitten is quite amazing, you know i once had a cat named sissy . . . .

the snow man toboggan wintery season warms my heart while my body shivers in dread of the impending winter to come

I like the ET-like guy with the potions.

I like the picture of alice and her parrot, i want to make it into a t-shirt

i love love love the the peace symbol with the army hat and gun, which evan so cleverly labeled teh peace core.

the leaning girl is quite nice. the detail is pretty amazing. was this drawn with sharpie?

the horses trapped in bubbles is amazing. i really like the push me pull me horse in a bubble.

The yellow fruit and the blue tree pictues is awesome, i love orange and blue and green together.

I wish when i spilled yerba matte it turned into butterflies. That would have been nice. anyway cool drawing

the mushroom cloud with the plants that have faces and the bike very psychedelic. you have come to the right town. Anyway very lovely. great use of color

See you next week everyone, don't forget party at my house tuesday night!! wear a costume! If you don't know wear i live then you are not invited! just kidding! If you don't know where i live then email me for directions amanda.sisenstein@gmail.com


Anonymous said...

i like the horseys in bubbles, the horsey ass shot and the potion person.

Anonymous said...

i love alllllll of them and cant wait to see more of them posted!!